I'm over the hill, I'm over the hill
I'm over the hill, I'm over the hill
I'm over the hill, I'm over the hill
I'm over the hill, I'm over the hill
I've spent a lot of years trying to climb up the mountain
To reach the highest point of my life 不管多曲折
直到一双双破烂的鞋 我不再舍不得
直到我不再怀疑 可以把你丢了
诠释一个角色 无论说什么做什么都是我的选择
走过这一段旅程 失去的那个人已不重要了
I'm spinning around and around
Soon I have been over the hill
当我数着日子 How fast will they go?
Times 9.8 meters per second square
I've met a lot of jerks though I try to keep in distance
They burn the bridges down after they cross the river
直到一张张破碎的脸 我早已不记得
看过许多景色 那些生命里错过了留不住是缘份
走过了千万哩程 该放的那个石头 就让它滚
Oh, I've been all over the world
And now I am over the hill
当我数着日子 How far will they go?
Divided by the numbers of my regrets
Divided by the numbers of my regrets
Divided by the numbers of my regrets
Divided by the numbers of my regrets
I'm over the hill, I'm over the hill