2 |
The Mantovani Machine, pt. 1 |
The Orchestra of Futurist Noise Intoners
4 |
The Noise of Art |
The Noise of Art (Works for Intonarumori) [Premiere Recordings]
6 |
Die Sonne - Hardcover Mix (Klaus Schulze) |
Members of the Oceanclub
8 |
Die Sonne |
Members of the Oceanclub
10 |
Lang lebe der Tod |
Lang lebe der Tod
12 |
Der Rhythmus der Maschinen |
Bright Magic
14 |
dies on呢 - sunset (effective force mix) |
Members of the Oceanclub
16 |
the Mantova NI machine, PT. 3 |
The Noise of Art (Works for Intonarumori) [Premiere Recordings]
18 |
dies on呢 - flow mix (Thomas Fehl Mann mix) |
Members of the Oceanclub
20 |
Der Rhythmus der Maschinen |
Der Rhythmus der Maschinen
22 |
A Quiet Life |
Still Smiling