FUNKY smoothie~ HAPPY with the beat~
FUNKY smoothie~ It's time to have fun n don't stop!!
FUNKY smoothie~ HAPPY with the beat~
FUNKY smoothie~ DJ 1, 2~ Microphone check!!
看到那不同的餐厅都, 陈列在时下的街道上游走
四周都充满著甜点和水果蛋糕, 泡芙, 饼干, 布丁加甜甜圈飞过
不禁口水狂流的那融化味道, 还有那难忘香味在空气环绕
眼睛都不停的注视那些美味丰富甜食, 还有特别的冰淇淋介绍
走进店里看到, 精心的大海报
不知道应该要怎么去开始挑选那些不同风味的 crazy cool n fun
之后, 可爱店员来推荐人气热销
应该是, 她自己个人最爱原料
最后送上来的竟然是那 cold n sweet 的 icy mode
FUNKY smoothie~ HAPPY with the beat~
FUNKY smoothie~ It's time to have fun n don't stop!!
FUNKY smoothie~ HAPPY with the beat~
FUNKY smoothie~ DJ 1, 2~ Microphone check!!
Verse 2~ 就是这样, 在所有韵脚和那Funk节奏
然后, 再加点 slap sound 去调配出可口的打击乐律动
Drum n bass 融洽的 fresh 乐风
享受那愉快的下午茶点和 DJ 特别挑选的唱盘turntable
FUNKY 的店里充满著各式各样的甜点料理, 水果蛋塔, 还有草莓冻
在欢乐开心的甜蜜气氛下, 发酵运作
FUNKY smoothie~ HAPPY with the beat~
FUNKY smoothie~ It's time to have fun n don't stop!!
FUNKY smoothie~ HAPPY with the beat~
FUNKY smoothie~ DJ 1, 2~ Microphone check!!
在离开之前的最后几秒钟, 店里开始变得有点不太相同
难道是喝完奶昔的副作用, 让人轻飘飘的, 不知道搞什么
感觉像是漂流到了外太空, 无法去形容的超奇特感受
在那迷幻空间的错觉下. 继续掉入那世界律动
FUNKY smoothie~ HAPPY with the beat~
FUNKY smoothie~ It's time to have fun n don't stop!!
FUNKY smoothie~ HAPPY with the beat~
FUNKY smoothie~ DJ 1, 2~ Microphone check!!
FUNKY smoothie~ HAPPY with the beat~
FUNKY smoothie~ It's time to have fun n don't stop!!
FUNKY smoothie~ HAPPY with the beat~
FUNKY smoothie~ DJ 1, 2~ Microphone check!!