Reign Of Forest(森林統治)
Reign Of Forest(森林統治)
Under The dome,everything Is dying fast(苍穹之下,万物迅速死亡)
And where do we go? (而我们又将去往何方)
Wailing and watching (悲鸣守望)
Verse 1:
Flesh and blood no longer exists (血肉之躯不复存在)
Eternity is at hand (亡魂永恒指日可待)
I die in the dark body (我在这黯淡的体内灭绝)
I reborn in the great body (我在这光辉的体内重生)
Tame a stubborn lives (驯化顽固者)
The bluebirds no longer sing (蓝鸟不再高歌)
Reign of forest (森林统治)
Chorus 1:
Tear open the black thread of the suture (扯开缝合的黑色针线)
A tear that is about to heal (撕裂快要痊愈的创伤)
Fill with dragon's breath (灌入龙息汁液)
Burning (灼烧)
Break the world (击毁尘世)
The spirit invades the hole (凶灵侵入潮穴)
Wander among the weeds (游走在杂草丛中)
Desire comes with thought (欲望肆意萌生)
The body liquid are sweet (澄清的体液异常香甜)
For many years (多少年来)
There's nothing you or I can do (你我一直无能为力)
Happy and sad together (悲喜交加)
Sickness (疾)
Pure white screen
Gasp hard and then strangle (用力喘息 随后扼杀)
Absolute zero (绝对零度)
But there is warm (却有暖流)
But there is current (却有温热)
Out of body no fun (体外毫无趣味)
Tame a stubborn lives (驯化顽固者)
The bluebirds no longer sing (蓝鸟不再高歌)
Reign of forest (森林统治)
Chorus 2:
Because of the truth of us (因为我们的真谛)
Only each other (仅有彼此)
Claws inset the skin (爪牙嵌入肌肤)
Falling so far (陨落至此)
Reign of forest (森林统治)
The spirit invades the hole (凶灵侵入潮穴)
Wander among the weeds (游走在杂草丛中)
Desire comes with thought (欲望肆意萌生)
The body liquid are so sweet (澄清的体液异常香甜)
For many years (多少年来)
There's nothing you or I can do (你我一直无能为力)
Happy and sad together (悲喜交加)
Sickness (疾)
Reign of forest (森林统治)