O dolorosa gioia (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Gailliarda ottava from Gagliarde a 4 (Instrumental) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Languisce al fin chi da la vita parte (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Gailliarda nona from Gagliarde a 4 (Instrumental) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Deh, coprite il bel seno (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
All'ombra degl'allori (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
O vos omnes (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Ardo per te, mio bene (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Gagliarda seconda from Gagliarde a 4 (Instrumental) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Ardita Zanzaretta (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Che fai meco, mio cor (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
T'amo mia vita, la mia cara vita (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Mercè grido piangendo (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Sinfonia a quattro antica from Gagliarde, a 4 (Instrumental) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
In te, Domine, speravi (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Or, che in gioia credeaO sempre crudo amore (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Io pur respiro in cosí gran dolore (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Questa crudele e pia (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Cor mio, deh, non piangeteDunque non m'offendete (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Chiaro risplender suole (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Dolcissima mia vita (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Gailliarda quarta from Gagliarde a 4 (Instrumental) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Già piansi nel dolore (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Quando ridente e bella (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Come vivi cor mio (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Resta di darmi noia (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
O crux benedicta (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Felicissimo sonno (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Volgi, mia luce (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |
Non t'amo, o voce ingrata (Voice) |
Robert Craft
Gesualdo: Prince of Madrigalists |