歌手 易烊千璽 Nothing to Lose (Live)

Nothing to Lose (Live) - 易烊千璽
詞:Jacky Brady/Jordan Roman/Andrew John Holyfield/Christopher Scott Holyfield/Jason Arner Housman/Jaskson Yee
曲:Ester Na/Sadie Currey(The Wildcardz)/Harvey Mason Jr.
I know exactly what to do
You make these dreams come true
And youve been there through and through
So thats why I sing to you like
(Ah ah) I wont I wont I wont stop now
(Ah ah) I know I know I want that crown
Im steady making these moves
Im steady making these moves
I got nothing nothing nothing to lose
Im steady making these moves
Im steady making these moves
I got nothing nothing nothing to lose
My heart only beats for you
I got a lot of things to prove
I would travel to the moon
If you be there with me too like
(Ah ah) I wont I wont I wont stop now
(Ah ah) I know I know I want that crown
Im steady making these moves
Im steady making these moves
I got nothing nothing nothing to lose
Im steady making these moves
Im steady making these moves
I got nothing nothing nothing to lose
Oooooo Oooooo
Shooting for the stars shooting for the stars
Oooooo Oooooo
We made it this far we made it this far
(Ah ah) I wont I wont I wont stop now
(Ah ah) I know I know I want that crown
Im steady making these moves
Im steady making these moves
I got nothing nothing nothing to lose
Im steady making these moves
Im steady making these moves
I got nothing nothing nothing to lose
Im steady making these moves
Im steady making these moves
I got nothing nothing nothing to lose
Im steady making these moves
Im steady making these moves
I got nothing nothing nothing to lose

易烊千璽2019“玊爾”演唱會live輯 專輯歌曲

歌曲 歌手 專輯
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舒適圈 (Live) 易烊千璽  易烊千璽2019“玊爾”演唱會live輯

易烊千璽 熱門歌曲

歌曲 歌手 專輯
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