Yuhao Wu:
Open the door I smell that wood getting smoked 打開那扇門煙霧撲面而來
Take a bong shot down the bowl my eyes turning slow 喝了幾杯伏特加我雙目眩暈
Got Macallan 12 scotch we gone make em crossfire 再加上點邁凱輪12年讓它們交火
911 Weissach lapping other frog eyes 限量版GT3 RS套圈其他的“蛙眼” (用蛙眼比喻保時捷的車燈)
I wanna get rich, I'm working on telling my haters I just made a mf million 我愛慕金錢,努力工作就為了向他人炫耀
The only one time I ain't no problems when people don 't need my opinion 這也是我同意你無視我的唯一情況
Idgaf. I showed you the sign. I'm just trynna mess up your feeling 我從小就是這樣,你也許本身也厭煩我
I think it is fun. And you'd better run, cuz I ain't flexing in a minute 但我陰魂不散,像團煙霧,你躲得越遠越好
I'm in Pixburgh burning herbal like I 'm on the west coast 我在匹茲堡目睹著加州的森林大火
By saying Q, I mean quarter pound no quarter ounce tho 同樣的東西,對你我來說本身就不一樣
Quarantine. Built a studio in my condo 我在居家隔離時打造了專業的錄音棚
I'm working till I'm in some red bottoms pushing lambos 就為了可以穿上紅底鞋踏上蘭博基尼的油門
I' m going beast mode. Ain't never missing no free throws 開啟了野獸模式,從不犯低級錯誤
You ain't got these flows. Like I be rapping with cheat codes 你無法像我一樣說唱,便抱怨我在作弊
I'm on a G wagon. Ain't never messing with these hoes 我開著大G,她們跟我不在一個高度
I'm on a speed boat. You still be looking like Nemo我開著快艇,你彷彿是迷路的小丑魚
I'm taking the notes 我積累著經驗
high off the ground 我看不見地面
taking their heads 都留作了紀念
smoking my haters 都當作了訓練
I will miss you too, you're not in my circle no more 我們不一個級別
I'm a misanthrope我對所有人都有一點點的偏見
Open the door I smell that wood getting smoked 打開那扇門煙霧撲面而來
Take a bong shot down the bowl my eyes turning slow 喝了幾杯伏特加我雙目眩暈
Got Macallan 12 scotch we gone make em crossfire 再加上點邁凱輪12年讓它們交火
911 Weissach lapping other frog eyes 限量版GT3 RS套圈其他的“蛙眼” (用蛙眼比喻保時捷的車燈)
I wanna get rich, I'm working on telling my haters I just made a mf million 我愛慕金錢,努力工作就為了向他人炫耀
The only one time I ain't no problems when people don't need my opinion 這也是我同意你無視我的唯一情況
Idgaf. I showed you the sign. I'm just trynna mess up your feeling 我從小就是這樣,你也許本身也厭煩我
I think it is fun. And you'd better run, cuz I ain't flexing in a minute 但我陰魂不散,像團煙霧,你躲得越遠越好
RM Yaka:
Let's go , Yaka and Yuhao we back again, we lead a unit, a regiment 我們捲土重來,率領著千軍萬馬
Poppin' the pills then I chew the mints, I dont fw ancient rappers 我含著薄荷糖,無視那些口吐芬芳的OG歌手
Since day one, me and the butterfly boys like Talibans 從第一天起,我們蝶派的兄弟就是你聞風喪膽的對手
You better hide, you better run, whole gang posted in Tianan 我們站在最高點,俯視著你和你不堪一擊的團隊
Man, we all be wearing' heavy chains 但是走路從不低著頭。沉重的金鍊子掛在脖子上,我們卻還昂首挺胸
Groupie ho' get in that studio session, she wanna f! me like an animal 粉絲們衝進了錄音棚,想融入我們
Get in lambo truck, sippin' on whole lotta lean, not so much edibles 坐進了Urus裡拿著雙層泡沫杯喝著雪碧
Haters be hatin' and they can't imagine we be gettin' checks all around the world 黑粉們永遠無法理解我們收著各個幣種的巨額支票
We gettin' checks around the world, I got a feeling we gettin' more 這只是一個開始,僅僅是冰山的一角
Sun come down but the gang don't stop, I don't see nobody wanting smoke 夜以繼日地創作,你們拿什麼和我們競爭
I don't see nobody wanting smoke 他們無法與我們競爭
混音、母帶:RM Yaka