原唱by NCT 127
和聲&MIX by YUYA
DESIGN by 霧俊
【ALL】너와난zero mile
【ALL】Girl youre just mine mine
【ALL】너와난zero mile
【浩展】Girl you dont mind
【浩展】You dont mind at all
【YUYA】I feel the beat up all night
【浩展】We dont speak thats all right
【浩展】걸음걸이를맞춰가【YUYA】oh yeah
【ALL 】더좁혀가
【ALL】더가까이ah yeah
【ALL】좁혀우리 거리
【ALL】너와난zero mile
【ALL】Girl youre just mine mine
【ALL】너와난zero mile
【ALL】Just like mine mine
【浩展】발소리 만으로도
【YUYA】듣고싶어난ah yeah
【ALL 】J매일네가찾는
【ALL】 입맞춰난
【ALL】연결고리alright 【浩展】Yeah
【ALL】더가까이ah yeah
【浩展】Figure it figure
【浩展】And figure figure it out
【浩展】Just seconds apart
【浩展】Just seconds apart
【ALL】Touch and figure it out
【ALL】똑같은화면속 을벗어나
【ALL】Touch and figure it out
【ALL】펼쳐지는ah yeah
【ALL】연결고리alright 둘의비밀
【ALL】더가까이ah yeah
【ALL】좁혀우리 거리yeah
【ALL】너와난zero mile
【ALL】Girl youre just mine mine
【ALL】너와난zero mile
【ALL】Just like mine mine