so much wanna say but nah (有很多話想說但是算了)
so many wanna do but nah (有很多事想去做但是算了)
done less but spoke a lot (總是講的不少希望有人可以理解)
used to be like that no one gave a fuxk (曾經像這樣把心聲分享但並沒有什麼人在意)
full of spines Imma like a hedgehog (像刺猬一樣滿佈棘刺)
seems hurtful but wanna a hug (看起來極具攻擊性但也渴望溫暖)
unlock the phone nothing showing up (解鎖沒有什麼信息提示的手機)
social phobia don't be shocked (社恐而已別太驚訝)
they don't really know about me (他們不算非常了解)
got no idea why can't I fall asleep (所以不明白為什麼總是深夜才入睡)
'you really like that?' (“你真的像那樣嗎”不屑又略帶驚訝的問著)
so funny (很有趣吧)
won't admit it (不會去否認)
but I do feel envy (但確實有時會羨慕旁人)
yeah I do feel envy (是啊承認這一點)
crazy how jealousy can be (這樣的心理有時候讓人覺得多麼無奈)
I'd be happy for you if you don't know what I'm talking (如果你不明白我現在所講的那我真心為你感到高興)
need more ibuprofen (不想每次都使用止痛片)
advil also working (advil也一樣)
don't know why you fakers though it's cool just copying and pasting (實在不太明白連這些都要去效仿的人們)
getting sick of it Im getting sick of it (但慢慢地就習慣了)
act like I don't want anything in fact I was never had it (只是盡力表現出不渴望什麼的樣子)
are you gonna watch me falling (有時候還是會稍覺迷茫嗎)
are you gonna watch me drowning (還是會因為太多的事情而略顯疲憊嗎)
aight just watch me falling (對啊哪怕是一些無關痛癢的小事)
aight just watch me drowning (但心裡的想法還是會不自覺地湧現出來)
getting sick of it Im getting sick of it (但慢慢地就習慣了嗎)
so much wanna say but nah(有很多話想說但是算了)
so many wanna do but nah (有很多事想去做但是算了)
done less but spoke a lot (總是講的不少希望有人可以理解)
used to be like that no one gave a fuxk (曾經像這樣把心聲分享但並沒有什麼人在意)
so much wanna say but nah(有很多話想說但是算了)
so many wanna do but nah(有很多事想去做但是算了)
done less but spoke a lot(總是講的不少希望有人可以理解)
used to be like that no one gave a
Wish you have a good life