Barbara Schlick Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248 Part Four - For New Year's Day Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248 Part Four - For New Year's Day


# 專輯歌曲
1 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part One - For the first Day of Christmas:No.8 Aria (Ba?): "Gro?er Herr o starker K?nig"
2 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Four - For New Year's Day:No.41 Aria (Tenor): "Ich will nur dir zu Ehren leben"
3 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part One - For the first Day of Christmas:No.3 Rezitativ (Alt): "Nun wird mein liebster Br?utigam"
4 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Three - For the third Day of Christmas:No.24 Chor: "Herrscher des Himmels erh?re das Lallen"
5 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Six - For the Feast of Epiphany:No.55 Evangelist: "Da berief Herodes die Weisen heimlich" - Herodes:
6 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Two - For the second Day of Christmas:No.10 Sinfonia
7 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part One - For the first Day of Christmas:No.4 Aria (Alto): " Bereite dich Zion"
8 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Six - For the Feast of Epiphany:No.54 Chor: "Herr wenn die stolzen Feinde schnauben"
9 Christmas oratorio BW V 248part two - fort和second day of Christmas:no.17 chorale: "s茶UT hind or推理eg Tim fin stern stall"
10 Christmas oratorio BW V 248part four - for new years day:no.37 evangelist: "UN抵達A城TT啊geum挖人"
11 Christmas oratorio BW V 248part four - for new years day:no.42 choral: "Jesus rich TE美女begin嫩"
12 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Two - For the second Day of Christmas:No.13 Evangelist Engel: "Und der Engel sprach zu Ihnen"
13 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Six - For the Feast of Epiphany:No.61 Rezitativ (Tenor): "So geht! Genug mein Schatz geht nicht von hier&q
14 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Two - For the second Day of Christmas:No.18 Rezitativ (Ba?): "So geht denn hin ihr Hirten geht"
15 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Four - For New Year's Day:No.36 Chor: "Fallt mit Danken fallt mit Loben"
16 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part One - For the first Day of Christmas:No.7 Chorale: "Er ist auf Erden kommen arm" Recitativ (Bass): We
17 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Five - For the 1st Sunday in the New Year:No.53 Choral: "Zwar ist solche Herzensstube"
18 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Two - For the second Day of Christmas:No.19 Aria (Alto): "Schlafe mein Liebster geniesse der Ruh"
19 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part One - For the first Day of Christmas:No.5 Choral: "Wie soll ich dich empfangen"
20 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part One - For the first Day of Christmas:No.1 Chorus: "Jauchzet frohlocket"
21 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Three - For the third Day of Christmas:No.29 Duett (Sopran Ba?): "Herr dein Mitleid dein Erbarmen"
22 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Six - For the Feast of Epiphany:No.62 Aria (Tenor): "Nun m?gt ihr stolzen Feinde schrecken"
23 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Three - For the third Day of Christmas:No.30 Evangelist: "Und sie kamen eilend"
24 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Six - For the Feast of Epiphany:No.63 Rezitativ (Sopran Alt Tenor Ba?): "Was will der H?lle Schrecken nun?&
25 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part One - For the first Day of Christmas:No.6 Evangelist: "Und sie gebar ihren ersten Sohn"
26 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Six - For the Feast of Epiphany:No.60 Evangelist: "Und Gott befahl ihnen im Traum"
27 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Two - For the second Day of Christmas:No.14 Rezitativ (Ba?): "Was Gott dem Abraham Verhei?en"
28 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Three - For the third Day of Christmas:No.25 Evangelist: "Und da die Engel von ihnen gen Himmel fuhren&quo
29 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Six - For the Feast of Epiphany:No.58 Evangelist: "Als sie nun den K?nig geh?ret hatten"
30 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Five - For the 1st Sunday in the New Year:No.44 Evangelist No.45 Chor
31 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Three - For the third Day of Christmas:No.33 Choral: "Ich will dich mit Flei? bewahren"
32 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Three - For the third Day of Christmas:No.24 Chor (da capo): "Herrscher des Himmels erh?re das Lallen"
33 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Five - For the 1st Sunday in the New Year:No.52 Rezitativ (Alt): "Mein Liebster herrschet schon"
34 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Five - For the 1st Sunday in the New Year:No.43 Chor: "Ehre sei dir Gott gesungen"
35 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Three - For the third Day of Christmas:No.27 Rezitativ (Ba?): "Er hat sein Volk getr?st"
36 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Two - For the second Day of Christmas:No.12 Chorale: "Brich an o sch?nes Morgenlicht"
37 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Four - For New Year's Day:No.39 Aria (Soprano Echo-soprano): "Fl?sst mein Heiland fl?sst dein Namen&a
38 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Three - For the third Day of Christmas:No.32 Recitativ (Alt): "Ja ja mein Herz soll es bewahren"
39 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part One - For the first Day of Christmas:No.2 Evangelist: "Es begab sich aber zu der Zeit"
40 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Four - For New Year's Day:No.38 Rezitativ (Ba?): "Immanuel o sü?es Wort" Arioso (Chor-Sopran
41 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Four - For New Year's Day:No.40 Rezitativ (Ba?): "Wohlan dein Name soll allein" Arioso (Chor
42 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Two - For the second Day of Christmas:No.11 Evangelist: "Und es waren Hirten in derselben Gegend"
43 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Two - For the second Day of Christmas:No.21 Chor: "Ehre sei Gott in der H?he"
44 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Five - For the 1st Sunday in the New Year:No.46 Choral: "Dein Glanz all Finsternis verzehrt"
45 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Five - For the 1st Sunday in the New Year:No.48 Evangelist: "Da das der K?nig Herodes h?rte"
46 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Six - For the Feast of Epiphany:No.64 Choral: "Nun seid ihr wohl gerochen"
47 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Three - For the third Day of Christmas:No.35 Choral: "Seid froh dieweil"
48 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Three - For the third Day of Christmas:No.34 Evangelist: "Und die Hirten kehrten wieder um"
49 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Three - For the third Day of Christmas:No.26 Chor: "Lasset uns nun gehen gen Bethlehem"
50 Christmas Oratorio BWV 248Part Six - For the Feast of Epiphany:No.57 Aria (Sopran): "Nur ein Wink von seinen H?nden"

Barbara Schlick熱門專輯

# 專輯
1 Wedding Classical Music
2 Un Año Con Jesucristo
3 Mozart: Sacred Works
4 Symphonies of Life, Vol. 77 - Bach: Musik Der Bach Familie
5 Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248 Part Four - For New Year's Day
6 Mendelsohnn : Paulus Oratorio, Op. 36
7 Weihnachtsoratorium BWV 248 - Highlights
8 "Ino"-Kantate
9 Symphonies of Life, Vol. 79 - Bach: Kantaten Vol 1
10 O Magnum Mysterium [Alte Weihnachtslieder]