Julian Cope 歌曲列表

# 歌名
2 Louis 14th Droolian
4 Promised Land Peggy Suicide
6 Passionate Friend Floored Genius: The Best Of Julian Cope And The Teardrop Explodes 1979-91
8 Reward Floored Genius: The Best Of Julian Cope And The Teardrop Explodes 1979-91
10 safe surfer Peggy Suicide
12 can同get you out of my country Uncut Magazine - 2008.01 - Give Peace A Chance!
14 ****** cathedral Droolian
16 not raving but drowning Peggy Suicide
18 Bill Drummond said Fried
20 trampoline Saint Julian
22 Charlotte Anne My Nation Underground
24 world shut your mouth Floored Genius: The Best Of Julian Cope And The Teardrop Explodes 1979-91
26 east easy rider Peggy Suicide
28 5 o clock world My Nation Underground
30 me & Jimmy Jones The Skellington Chronicles
32 search party Fried
34 beaver The Skellington Chronicles
36 sq無BB屬於 Droolian
38 tram PO了呢 Floored Genius: The Best Of Julian Cope And The Teardrop Explodes 1979-91
40 Don唐crash here The Skellington Chronicles
42 China doll My Nation Underground
44 torpedo Fried
46 com民soon The Skellington Chronicles
48 when Willi get to hold you? Droolian
50 electrical storm girl The Skellington Chronicles
52 Strasbourg World Shut Your Mouth
54 common LAN DAT Waters edge The Skellington Chronicles
56 Waco-pops The Skellington Chronicles
58 world shut your mouth Saint Julian
60 Madonna bag Lady blues The Skellington Chronicles
62 east easy rider Floored Genius: The Best Of Julian Cope And The Teardrop Explodes 1979-91
64 hung up and hanging out to dry Peggy Suicide
66 ********* World Shut Your Mouth
68 the greatness & perfection of love Floored Genius 2: Best of the BBC Sessions 1983-91
70 holy love Fried
72 yeah yeah yeah Droolian
74 great white wonder The Skellington Chronicles
76 screaming secrets Saint Julian
78 my nation underground My Nation Underground
80 ...A to你們to FW asp Droolian
82 las Vegas basement Peggy Suicide
84 American tragedy The Skellington Chronicles
86 me singing Fried
88 everything playing at once The Skellington Chronicles
90 nohow, no why, Noway, nowhere, now很 The Skellington Chronicles
92 PRI斯特恩 Peggy Suicide
94 Scud-U-立刻 The Skellington Chronicles
96 western front 1992 C.E. Peggy Suicide
98 sunspots Floored Genius: The Best Of Julian Cope And The Teardrop Explodes 1979-91
100 l EP而skin Peggy Suicide