Ivie Anderson 歌曲列表

# 歌名
2 my heart tells me (should i believe my heart?) Swinging Sunset Vol. 1
4 Speak Low Swinging Sunset Vol. 1
6 Carnival In Caroline The Ivie Anderson Collection 1932-46
8 Swinging On A Star Swinging Sunset Vol. 1
10 troubled Waters (original mix) Cotton
12 Hold Tight Jazz World Vol.15
14 Me and You It Don't Mean a Thing
16 Mood Indigo The Ivie Anderson Collection 1932-46
18 hay foot, straw foot Rock my World
20 Jump for Joy Stormy Weather
22 I Thought You Ought to Know Hayfoot, Strawfoot
24 IT Don太mean啊thin gif i taint got that swing Got Rhythm
26 truck in Jazz World Vol.15
28 i don't mind The Ivie Anderson Collection 1932-46
30 I got IT bad and that A int good (original mix) Cotton
32 I got IT bad and that A int good Hits by Ivie Anderson
34 the VO Otis hereto stay Hayfoot, Strawfoot
36 four or five times Best Jazz from the 50s Vol. 7
38 IV ego TT和world on啊string (original mix) Chocolate Shake
40 play met和blues Hayfoot, Strawfoot
42 hang your heart on A hickory limb Jazz World Vol.15
44 when my sugar walks down the street Singing Great Songs
46 stormy weather Got Rhythm
48 on the Sunnyside of the street Hayfoot, Strawfoot
50 IM willing to run all the way Jazz World Vol.15
52 gypsy lullaby Jazz World Vol.15
54 mean的you (feat. IV IE Anderson) Historical Jazz Recordings: 1939-1940
56 when my sugar walks down the street The Ivie Anderson Collection 1932-46
58 mean的you Hits by Ivie Anderson
60 troubled Waters Hits by Ivie Anderson
62 IM check in out, goo目標也 Singing Great Songs
64 I got IT bad and that A int good The Great
66 MU查查OA租賃 (blue boy) Jazz World Vol.15
68 empty bed blues Got Rhythm
70 I got IT bad and that A int good It Don't Mean a Thing
72 mean的you Got Rhythm
74 Don唐you Miss your baby Jazz World Vol.15
76 troubled Waters The Great Vocalists of Duke Ellington
78 shoeshine boy It Don't Mean a Thing
80 if i love的you Swinging Sunset Vol. 1
82 IM satisfied Ivie Anderson – the Unforgettable
84 AL ABA沒有home Hits by Ivie Anderson
86 rose of T和Rio Gran的 Rock my World
88 if you were in my place Ivie Anderson – the Unforgettable
90 truck in ELLINGTON, Duke: Reminiscing in Tempo (1932-1935) (Duke Ellington, Vol. 3)
92 Buck town boogie Jazz World Vol.15
94 again Jazz World Vol.15
96 do i worry? Jazz World Vol.15
98 five o'clock whistle The Great Vocalists of Duke Ellington
100 IM check in outgo OM bye Best Jazz from the 50s Vol. 7