We cant stop oh!
No! No! INSIDE 誰も読めない
Break! くだらない、Joke! 吐き捨てて
No.No. Take me to the Next Stage
Its time to go!!
YO BACK からON 繋ぐ8小説with my skill and 饒舌音の意志は鋼鉄
We came back again! Rock なRap game 聴き逃すなHold this!
We cant stop 止まれないon this way and I feel no pain cuz
Im 一人じゃないIf I break down like a loser there
全てがFreeze and I may lose it all then… so I
We cant stop oh!
止まれない、Now ココにいる
No.No 一切もう見えているんだ
Believe 確かなもの、Brave 握りしめて
NO. never lookin back
Next page its time to make!
Turn up the radio! 耳傾けろya hearts stereo
like when you were a kid and was a mamas boy
If you dont say about what you wanna do,
誰もdont know about you そして世界はスルーして回る
you know? わかる? its like a marry go round!
So you gotta screaming out for ya dream in the world!
We cant stop oh!
No! No! INSIDE 誰も読めない
Break! くだらない、Joke! 吐き捨てて
No.No. Take me to the Next Stage
Its time to go!!