State Of Grace
You know it makes no difference.
Whether we talk or not.
And its much harder going in there sometimes.
And jumping down from the top.
But if you talk to me I will listen to you.
With my eyes, my ears, my heart.
Till we both reach a state of grace
I will pull you out of modern secrets.
Till we both trust the coast is clear .
Information kept to yourself is information breeding danger.
Breeding danger.
You know it makes no difference.
If you remember times that I forgot.
Sometimes we meet missed out here
But theres a need for nod.
Taking consciousness for granted.
I need to hear your concern
so dont expect me to give into it.
I dont wanna go back there
My senses would nod why.
Till we both reach a state of grace
I will pull you out of modern secrets.
Till we both trust the coast is clear
Information kept to yourself is information breeding danger.
Breeding danger.
Wenn Du mit mir sprichst.
Ich will Dein tiefstes Inneres verstehen.
Aber verlange nicht, dass ich Dir nachgebe.
Du weisst, dass es keinen Unterschied macht .
Ob wir miteinander sprechen oder nicht