歌手 紫阡 the sorting hat song(分院帽之歌)(翻自 RiddleTM)

The Sorting Hat Song|分院帽之歌

One thousand years ago this story starts|這是一個穿越千年的傳說

There were four sorcerers with strong and wise hearts|記述著四個心靈強大而睿智的巫師

Bold Gryffindor from wild moor|勇敢的格蘭芬多,來自荒蕪的沼澤

Fair Ravenclaw from glen|美麗的拉文克勞,來自寧靜的湖泊

Sweet Hufflepuff from valley broad|仁慈的赫奇帕奇,來自遼闊的山谷

Shrewd Slytherin from fen|精明的斯萊特林,來自那一片泥潭

They had a dream to teach all that they knew|他們發願傾授畢生所學

Witches and wizards came far and it grew|男女巫師自遠道而來使宏願壯大

'Til a castle stood tall by the shores of a lake|直到這城堡屹立於黑湖之畔

And a thousand years later the magic remains|先人的魔法流續千年至今

Old Hogwarts Sorting Hat sing me a song|古老的分院帽對我歌唱吧

Speak in my head tell me where I belong|面對我的真心給我歸屬

And when things look bad and there's no where to run|若厄運席捲整個學校

Unite all the houses and we'll fight as one|四院齊心,我們會共同抗爭

Brave Godric Gryffindor favoured the strong|勇敢的戈德里·格蘭芬多偏愛強者

Those who had courage and knew right from wrong|他的學生充滿勇氣,堅持正義

And Rowena Ravenclaw taught only the best|羅文娜·拉文克勞只接收最聰穎的學生

So kind Helga Hufflepuff would teach all the rest|好心的赫爾加·赫奇帕奇願意接納任何人

But Salazar Slytherin had is own plans|然而薩拉查·斯萊特林有他自己的主意

He thought the Muggle-borns didn't understand|他不認為麻瓜出身的學生能理解魔法的奧妙

The subtleties of magic and so he devised|他悄悄設置下一間密室

The Chamber of Secrets with a monster inside|留下怪獸完成自己的執念

Old Hogwarts Sorting Hat sing me a song|古老的分院帽對我歌唱吧

Speak in my head tell me where I belong|面對我的真心給我歸屬

And when things look bad and there's no where to run|當災難降臨恐怖逼近

Unite all the houses and we'll fight as one|拋卻分歧,我們將聯手禦敵

Old Hogwarts Sorting Hat sing me a song|古老的分院帽對我歌唱吧

Speak in my head tell me where I belong|面對我的真心給我歸屬

And when things look bad and there's no where to run|當黑暗裹挾無處倖免

Unite all the houses and we'll fight as one|無關陣營,我們為霍格沃茨而戰

Unite all the houses and we'll fight as one|你知道的,我們從未分開

分院帽之歌 專輯歌曲

歌曲 歌手 專輯
the sorting hat song(分院帽之歌)(翻自 RiddleTM) 紫阡  分院帽之歌

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