we uesd to make great plans(我和計劃著大事)
you ain't babe now what 's up (你不乖還好?)
i feel like a Camila Cabello (我可能是萌德的女朋友)
Let me come and get ur heart okay (然後融化你的心)
weekend go in the three days (現在是工作日)
chillin guy(爽人) 抽像不起來
你有你的style i'm no style (咳咳)
get some type(有的風格)不再
mama i konw konw u feel 的about me (媽媽懂我嗎)
but i'm still young and flame high flexin all week (我還是年輕旺盛吧)
But no Mr.Right (其實沒有絕對的正確)
level live a life ai (嚮往小康的生活)
difference in the fight (為不同的理想奮鬥)
see the blue and bluur and white (仰望藍天白雲......)
can u take in way of new friends(好好理解新朋友思路)
他們不同大眾like (不一樣的做派)
why don't u have a mercy less some cold(要多點同理心少冷漠)
don't break a little little heart (別傷害小孩的心)
kids are all luv all of the luv(孩子們都有愛都是愛)
some people say u u should sigh(有人說你該嘆息一些道理)
巴的是吧it wasn't quick(啊吧啊吧,這不是啞巴)
comfort wow like a leader (舒服就好,像個總桶)
comfort oh like a weeder (像個吃草人)
comfort wow like a chigga (像個亞人)
the light's comin fast runnin (光速c=299792458m/s)
the light's comin fast runnin(時光飛快,把握當今)
Don't U know about that(要知道)
twenty five percent (E佔比百分之二十五)
給過太多HY mode seventy percent(付出的快樂佔比75%)
給你FACE 就別以為好MESS(因此給臉要臉)
只是不想gang like 223(小社會)
只是不想gang like 223
Peace in luv 都是豬豬G (和平與愛都是乖乖仔)
we uesd to make great plans
you ain't babe now what 's up
we uesd to make great plans
you ain't babe now what 's up
the light's comin fast runnin
聰明的人知道如何掐點 正確準確 時刻
the light's comin fast runnin