編曲: KAII/王曉夫
Drive around the city
I won't lack a miniute
But before I close my window let me hear it one more time one more time
Let me hear you say it
戒驕戒躁戒驕戒躁媽媽said it to me
喧囂煩惱也要微笑媽媽said it to me
一生不論富貴平窮瀟灑平庸別忘記你的family tree
Let me hear you say it
Let me hear you say it
Let me hear you say it
Let me hear you say it
Say It Say It Say It
Say It Say It Say It
Say It Say It Say It
Say It Say It Say It
Say It Say It Say It
Say It Say It Say It
Drive around the city
I won't lack a miniute
But before I close my window let me hear it one more time one more time
Drive around the city
I won't lack a miniute
But before I close my window let me hear it one more time one more time
Let me hear you say it
Say It Say It Say It Say It Say It Say It Say It Say It
Say It Say It Say It
Say It Say It Say It
Say It Say It Say It
Say It Say It Say It
戒驕戒躁戒驕戒躁媽媽said it to me
喧囂煩惱也要微笑媽媽said it to me
一生不論富貴平窮瀟灑平庸別忘記你的family tree, say it to me
Drive around the city
I won lack a miniute
Drive around the city
I won't lack a miniute