Bookers Guitar
Eric Bibb -Bookers Guitar
The guitar owned anplayed
By the great Booker White
Found its way by grace into my arms
He would call it “Hard Rock ”
Cos the bodys made of steel
On th headstock
He glued a heart-shaped charm
In a brown leather case
With green velvet linin
It thrilled my soul to the core
Stuck on the side with old scotch tape
Was a list of the songs hes famous for
Bookers guitars got a story to tell
Of hard-earned hope anunshed tears
Bookers guitar rings like a bell
Its gonna keep on ringin
For a thousand years
The late greate Booker White
Sang straight from his heart
Everyone who heard him knows its true
Hed spank that shiny guitar just like a drum
Cross the Mississippi Delta Europe too
Bookers guitars got a story to tell
Of boxcars anscars moonshine anbeer
Bookers guitar rings like a bell
Its gonna keep on ringin
For a thousand years
Bookers guitars got a story to tell
A story the world needs to hear
Bookers guitar rings like a bell
Its gonna keep on ringin
For a thousand years