Faf?ng ?nskan Op.61 No.7 (Vain Hopes) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Aus banger Brust Op.50 No.4 (From A Fearful Heart) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Bollspelet vid Trianon Op.36 No.3 (Ball:Game At The Trianon) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Sm? flickorna (Young Girls) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Blommans ?de Op.88 No.6 (The Flower's Fate) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Dolce far niente Op.61 No.6 |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Svarta rosor Op.36 No.1 (Black Roses) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
En blomma stod vid v?gen Op.57 No.2 (A Flower Grew By The Wayside) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
I natten Op.38 No.3 (In The Night) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Pelléas et Mélisande - Incidental Music to Maeterlinck's play Op.46 (1905):5. Les Trois Soeurs Aveugles (The Three Blind Sisters) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Diamanten p? Marssn?n Op.36 No.6 (The Diamond In The March Snow) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Hymn To Thais |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Nu s? kommer julen! Op.1 No.2 (Christmas Is Coming!) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Kvarnhjulet Op.57 No.3 (The Mill:Wheel) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Dr?mmen Op.13 No.5 (The Dream) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
On hanget korkeat nietokset Op.1 No.5 (The Snow Stands In Deep Drifts) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Vitsippan Op.88 No.3 (The White Anemone) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Hertig Magnus (Duke Magnus) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Norden Op.90 No.1 (The North) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
L?ngtan heter min arvedel Op.86 No.2 (My Heritage Is Called Longing) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Dold f?rening Op.86 No.3 (Hidden Connection) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Langsamt som kv?llskyn Op.61 No.1 (As Slowly As The Evening Sky) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Vartagen Op.61 No.8 (Spring's Spell) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Var det en dr?m? Op.37 No.4 (Did I Just Dream?) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Alven och snigeln Op.57 No.1 (The River And The Snail) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Marssn?n Op.36 No.5 (March Snow) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
En sl?nda Op.17 No.5 (A Dragonfly) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Im Feld ein M?dchen singt Op.50 No.3 (A Young Girl Sings In A Meadow) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Under strandens granar Op.13 No.1 (Under The Fir:Trees On The Shore) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Det m?rknar ute Op.1 No.3 (Outside It Is Getting Dark) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
nu St?日劇LV ID是你?IG Porto P.1 no.1 (Christmas stand son the snowy porch) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
K陰森森shop pop.13 no.2 (A kiss hopes) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Arioso Op.3 |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
s E還能such top.50 no.2 (longing) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
deb?搞個ROS or那op.88 no.2 (the two roses) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Kai u tar op.72 no.4 (echo) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
N?人家A崗的人?慢慢兒... op.61 no.3 (when i dream) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
hu N多人av?伽瑞哈瑞民坦克op.72 no.6 (my thoughts have A hundred ways) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Se'n har jag ej fr?gat mera Op.17 No.1 (Since Then I Have Stopped Asking) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Den f?rsta kyssen Op.37 No.1 (The First Kiss) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
S?v s?v susa Op.36 No.4 (Sigh Rushes Sigh) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Hennes budskap Op.90 No.2 (Her Message) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Die stille Stadt Op.50 No.5 (The Silent Town) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Sov in! Op.17 No.2 (Go To Sleep!) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Souda souda sinisorsa (Paddle Paddle Little Duckling) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Jubal Op.35 No.1 |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Giv mig ej glans Op.1 No.4 (Give Me No Splendour) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Morgonen Op.90 No.3 (Morning) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
S?ngarl?n Op.86 No.5 (A Singer's Reward) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Rosenlied Op.50 No.6 (The Roses' Song) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Jag ?r ett tr?d Op.57 No.5 (I Am A Tree) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Lenzgesang Op.50 No.1 (Spring Song) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Lastu lainehilla Op.17 No.7 (Driftwood) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Varf?rnimmelser Op.86 No.1 (Spring In The Air) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Romeo Op.61 No.4 |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Narciss (Narcissus) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
N?cken Op.57 No.8 (The Nix) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
I systrar I br?der I ?lskande par Op.86 No.6 (O Sisters O Brothers O Loving Couples!) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
V?ren flyktar hastigt Op.13 No.4 (Spring Fleets Fast) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
H?stkv?ll Op.38 No.1 (Autumn Evening) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Vattenplask Op.61 No.2 (Lapping Waters) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Och finns det en tanke Op.86 No.4 (If There Is A Thought) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Lasse liten Op.37 No.2 (Llttle Lasse) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Sippan Op.88 No.4 (The Anemone) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Erloschen (Burnt Out) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Vilse Op.17 No.4 (Lost) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Fagelf?ngaren Op.90 No.4 (The Birdcatcher) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Flickan kom ifr?n sin ?sklings m?te Op.37 No.5 (The Girl Returned From Meeting Her Lover) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
F?gellek Op.17 No.3 (Birds At Play) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Serenad (Serenade) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Illale Op.17 No.6 (To Evening) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Harpolekaren och hanns son Op.38 No.4 (The Harpist And His Son) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Kom nu hit d?d! Op.60 No.1 (Come Away Death) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Kyssen Op.72 No.3 (The Kiss) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
V?nskapens blomma Op.57 No.7 (The Flower Of Friendship) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Bl?sippan Op.88 No.1 (The Blue Anemone) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
J?gargossen Op.13 No.7 (The Young Huntsman) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
King Christian Op.27:S?ngen om korsspindeln (The Song of the Spider) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Maj Op.57 No.4 (May) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Der Wanderer und der Bach Op.72 No.5 (The Wanderer And The Brook) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Segelfahrt (Under Sail) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Till Frigga Op.13 No.6 (To Frigga) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Hj?rtats morgon Op.13 No.3 (Morning In The Heart) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Jag ville jag vore Op.38 No.5 (I Wish I Were) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Vem stryde hit din v?g? Op.90 No.6 (Who Guided You Here?) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Romans Op.61 No.5 (Romance) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Teodora Op.35 No.2 (Theodora) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Sommarnatten Op.90 No.5 (Summer Night) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Men min f?gel m?rks dock icke Op.36 No.2 (But My Bird Is Nowhere To Be Seen) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
P? verandan vid havet Op.38 No.2 (On A Veranda By The Sea) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |
Hallila uti storm och i regn Op.60 No.2 (Hey Ho The Wind And The Rain) |
Elisabeth Soderstrom
Sibelius: Songs |