歌手: androp 熱門歌曲

# 歌名 專輯
1 March best [anddrop]
2 From here androp
3 Roots best [anddrop]
4 Kokoro best [anddrop]
5 Dreamer androp
6 Blue Nude Daily
7 HoshiDenwa relight
8 Missing best [anddrop]
9 Missing Missing
10 Alternative Summer Shout - Single
11 Strobo relight
12 Hana best [anddrop]
13 Sorry (one-man live tour 2018 "cocoon" tour final) Hikari
14 Cosmos gravity
15 Boohoo best [anddrop]
16 Ghost (strings version) Ghost
17 Shout Shout - Single
18 Youth door
19 Puppet door
20 Melody Line best [anddrop]
21 Plug in Head one and zero
22 Voice Voice
23 Relight relight
24 Hikari Daily
25 Rainbows best [anddrop]
26 UtaUtai no Karasu best [anddrop]
27 Catch Me Cocoon
28 Tokei Tokei
29 Bright Siren relight
30 Sunrise Sunset SOS!
31 Prism Cocoon
32 Run best [anddrop]
33 Noah best [anddrop]
34 End roll best [anddrop]
35 Boohoo one and zero
36 Melody Line Missing
37 Answer Ghost
38 Saturday Night Apollo Daily
39 Colorful best [anddrop]
40 World.Words.Lights. best [anddrop]
41 MirrorDance best [anddrop]
42 Prism (One-man Live Tour 2017 "Angstrom 0.8 PM" Tour Final) SOS!
43 Alternative Summer androp
44 UtaUtai no Karasu Voice
45 Parasol gravity
46 Sorry Cocoon
47 Yeah!Yeah!Yeah! best [anddrop]
48 Amanojaku door
49 Clover best [anddrop]
50 Shout best [anddrop]
51 Bell relight
52 Black Coffee gravity
53 Sayonara best [anddrop]
54 You Make Me androp
55 Canvas Daily
56 SOS! SOS!
57 Hyper Vacation Hyper Vacation
58 Message one and zero
59 Ghost Ghost
60 Ao Joker
61 AM0:40 one and zero
62 Home JRock Weekend
63 Answer androp
64 Bell best [anddrop]
65 Astra Nova best [anddrop]
66 voice best [anddrop]
67 Ara他 gravity
68 Y u RA日日 relight
69 Hi Kari Summer Festival Japan 2022
70 A Riga to Cocoon
71 run androp
72 alpha door
73 memento MO日 Cocoon
74 home Daily
75 SOS! (billboard live version) Joker
77 Hikari Winter Study - 勉強応援ソング
78 SOS! Cocoon
79 Blanco Daily
80 Rising Star one and zero
81 End Roll one and zero
82 Radio one and zero
83 Rainbows one and zero
84 World.Words.Lights one and zero
85 You one and zero
86 Party one and zero
87 Waltz one and zero
88 Human Factor one and zero
89 O one and zero
90 Encore one and zero
91 Toast gravity
92 Bright Siren best [anddrop]
93 Clover door
94 Tokei (Cocoon Version) Cocoon
95 Happy Birthday, New You gravity
96 Corna androp
97 Hanabi Cocoon
98 Glider best [anddrop]
99 Run Shout - Single
100 Q.E.D. door
101 Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! androp
102 Paranoid androp
103 Echo Boy Voice
104 Ao Cocoon
105 Noah relight
106 Sleepwalker Cocoon
107 One best [anddrop]
108 Train relight
109 Nam(a)e best [anddrop]
110 Hanabi (one-man live tour 2018 "cocoon" tour final) Hikari
111 March door
112 Tara-Reba relight
113 Shout androp
114 Kokoro Kokoro
115 Hikari Hikari
116 Joker Cocoon
117 Ghost androp
118 Hikari (piano TV ver.) Hikari
119 Flashback relight
120 (Secret Track) relight
121 Hyper Vacation gravity
122 Kitakaze San Cocoon
123 MirrorDance door
124 SOS! (Instrumental) SOS!
125 Vidro Vidro
126 Pray relight
127 Proust Cocoon
128 Puppet best [anddrop]
129 Tonbi best [anddrop]
130 Star androp
131 Letter androp
132 Songs androp
133 Basho best [anddrop]
134 Image Word best [anddrop]
135 ShowWindow relight